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Qtpie with the trash-talk on Doublelift
Doublelift trashtalks imaqtpie
Doublelift Qtpie is boosted garbage!
Doublelift Call Imaqtpie Trash / How To Look Like Imaqtpie
Doublelift and Imaqtpie Trash Talk Each Other | NA vs EU | Nightblue on Neeko All Stars 2018
Brutal! Doublelift Trash Talks DIG bot lane and Pobelter
Doublelift trashtalks imaqtpie and calls him garbage !
Doublelift trash talks girls
DoubleLift firing shots at QTpie and KiwiKid. Pre-game trash before talk DIG vs CLG | W8D2 S4 NA LCS
Doublelift: "Imaqtpie is a boosted garbage" - NALCS Spring 2017 Week 7 Day 1
VOYBOY HAS BEEN WHERE?! | Trash Talk Episode 7 ft. @Voyboy @ShiphturLOL @scarra @saintvicious676